Sunday 29 May 2011

Woody Allen in Spanish. Or maybe not.

We've got a local bohemian-type cinema in Lastarria called El Biografo which shows art house films. Not wishing to not support such an establishment I popped in on my way back from the Cerro Santa Lucia and bought a ticket for Woody Allen's Encontrarás al hombre du tus sueños or 'You will meet a tall, dark stranger' to you and me. I don't know if it's going to be dubbed or in English with subtitles but I don't really mind either way. The charming little old man at the box office reminded me I needed to reserve my seat: they have what is basically a pinboard plan of the seating with a piece of rolled-up paper with the seat number on every nail. I might not have got an aisle seat with Iberia from Madrid to Santiago but I got one, here, at El Biografo. The film also features France's First (Pregnant) Lady as well as a collection of people who can actually act, so it should be pretty enjoyable.

This is the first time I've been away from home when I've actually used Skype, and what a boon it is, too. It's also the first time I've taken my computer and have had Wi-Fi in my abode and, quite frankly, I never want to leave under any other conditions, again. Being able to see and speak to the family has been worth its weight in gold. Montaigne's observation that 'A man on his own is in bad company' will never go out of style and I find that having Mrs. F and the Fingernails just a couple of mouse clicks away is the most valuable addition to my suitcase I could possibly imagine. Long may Skype last and long may it remain free.

Hasta luego...

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